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That time of day was Legosi's favorite.

Every Wednesday afternoon in the vicinity of
3 p.m. at the Cherryton library.
Legosi sometimes read a few books, but
he was not a great reader.

No what the wolf used to do was take a novel at random, to sit at the table in the back of the library, and look over his book for put his aniseed and hungry green eyes on the silhouette sparkling near the bay window.

This chair positioned next to the window was the prized place of the angel, subject of all his desires.
Legosi was sure of it, there was something divine, supernatural, with y/n.
It was almost certain that there was a normal
not shining brightly.

Y/n was magnificent, with her pretty lightly curly fur by the sun, which only seemed to rise for it.

Her delicate fine fingers held a book in front of her,
sometimes a notebook when she had an assignment to review, and her sublime tropical and sparkling eyes, followed the lines with passionate interest.

Legosi was captivated, couldn't do anything except
that admire with desperate need from the bottom of
the library.
This almost sacred ritual, where the big wolf reserved almost an entire afternoon to feed on the view of the
cute little freckles permeating the coat of y/n se
rehearsed for weeks and weeks.

One day Legosi went to the library with his friend Jack to make a presentation they had in common.
It was not customary for the gray wolf of
do his homework, but his friend begged him and had him threatened not to leave him alone if he did not come help him.

Reluctantly, the carnivore had therefore gone there, respecting the promise he made to the labrador. He was from sulky and grumpy mood (which never changed really not usually) until its cold eyes and calculators landed on the face graceful y/n moving among the shelves filled with books, one of his fingers, whose nail was painted in azure blue, caressing
the bindings dreamily.

Legosi was thus completely flabbergasted statufied.
Jack might talk to him right next to he heard nothing, saw nothing.
His abilities her brain motor had melted, her mind hypnotized.
Distractedly, he had approached, just enough for the
follow, but not enough to be seen. He had observed it
browse the shelves, choose a book, inspect it, put it down.

After all these wasted years, Legosi had finally
found a reason to live.

Secretly, he had investigated in his corner,
discreetly. He had discovered that the apparition, which could descend only from the heavens, had just moved in recently, and that was surely for this reason
that Legosi had never seen her before.

The animal was called y / n and was in
Terminal L, must have been between seventeen and seventeen eight years, which was only a year younger than Legosi (he had redoubled his Fourth), and, for now, it was all the information the loip had.

The week after the meeting, Legosi had returned to the library, hoping for the less chance that y / n was also there.

Arriving, he was of course pleasantly surprised to notice that she had returned.
And since then, not a single Wednesday had happened afternoon without Legosi going to the library of Cherryton, just to observe, in his corner.

Two months before, before the angel returned
in his life, the gray wolf could never have imagined a
single second wouldn't have even taken that thought
seriously, that he would end up falling madly
in love with a person who would never even
met his gaze.

Besides, he never thought he loved someone al short it seemed inconceivable to someone like Legosi; the eternal giant indifferent to stone heart. But y/n had arrived and, without even knowing it, had broken all the principles and all the perceptions of Legosi's life.

The canine did not recognize himself in his behavior,
for he was neither shy, compassionate, nor sensitive. It was an arrogant asshole and usually got everything
what he wanted without any effort, with firmness be careful not to take care of it.

He had met many girls and a few boys, put them in his pockets in no time time, and had fucked them before rejecting them, as if he it was just simple waste.
It was unimaginable to do the same with y/n.

She deserved all he had to give. Coming back to reality, Legosi, his anise green eyes planted on y/n's soft pale face, watched him get up.

She put her salmon beige satchel on a shoulder holding a large stack of school notebooks against his chest with his other arm.

The teenager began to advance this approach singularly gracious, expecting to leave the library, when suddenly a passerby accidentally jostled him.

The man mumbled in his beard, throwing only one
stealthy look at y/n who was losing his balance and was doing drop his notebooks.

Sorry, the animal c/f looked at its books pitifully
scattered on the floor, then gave an almost outraged look to the passer-by who was leaving. For a moment, Legosi hesitated to stay in his place.

Y/n was a flower, and Legosi feared that the slightest
breeze scared him away.
Finally the wolf listened to his heart and stood up
suddenly, approaching the angel.
By the same involuntary synchronized movement, Legosi and y/n knelt before the pile of notebooks,
raising your head at the same time to immerse yourself in look at each other.

Their right hands were each placed on the same
manual, almost touching.

Their faces were not separated only by about twenty centimeters, at most. The time seemed to stop, and Legosi couldn't even breathe.
Closer to y/n than he had ever been, he could finally admire her magnificent eyes c/y large open, sparkling with a thousand stars, her long eyelashes
adorning her eyelids, her little upturned pink truffle, her cheeks round and pink dotted with a hundred spots of freckles that spread all over his face.

Legsoi had before him a model of perfection.
Their physical appearance was in every way
contradictory; y/n's coat was very light, that of
Legosi was gray.

The female's eyes were bright, sparkling, when those of the wolf were cold, his eyelids heavy on his bored irises.

The features of y/n were thin, cute, his cheeks round and her adorable expression. Those of Legosi were hard, his jaw was square and apathy emanated from him.

She was no more than a hundred- sixty five centimeters, and he measured two meters zero-three.

Y/n dressed in pastel, sweatshirts roses, and short denim shorts that kissed her soft thighs.
The canine only dressed in black, oversized NASA jacket, dark jeans and jogging pants.

While an eternity seemed to have passed, no more a second had passed since Legosi had kneeling at the level of his beloved.

She looked at him right in the eyes, his face expressing surprise innocent. She flicked her eyelids adorably, and opened his mouth;

-Thank you, she whispered softly,
Her voice was porcelain, melodious and sweet. Legosi
expected nothing less.

-No problem, he replied, his voice deep,
cavernous and monotonous.

Y n looked away and Legosi was able to again
breathe and see clearly. Immediately, the largest began to gather notebooks, helping the little girl who sometimes threw her a few secret looks he was trying the best that he could ignore.

Once the books were put in two piles, Legosi volunteered to carry one. As if it was all natural, he took in the largest hand, leaving the lightest in the
y/n arms.

-It's super nice, you don't have to help me you know,
she said kindly.

- Don't worry, I have nothing to do anyway, replied
Legosi indifferently, although his heart beat at
a hundred an hour and his mind is panicking.
They started walking towards the exit, in a silence that was slightly beginning to be annoying.

- Um, I'm on foot and I live a bit far
so..do not bother wearing my stuff, i will
-I have a car. I can drop you off, proposed
casually all gray.

Y/n's gaze fled and she opened her pretty
mouth to mumble an excuse, and the wolf surrendered realize that she was trying to escape.

Legosi did not take offense, because he understood that from the point of view of y/n, which almost looked like a child, it was a guy out of nowhere measuring just over two meters looking like a killer, looking old between twenty-five and thirty years old.
Yep, that surely made him feel like he was on
the point of being raped in a dark corner.

- Are you in high school? I think I saw you in the corridors,
he asked suddenly.
The little girl's features calmed down and his gaze
lit up, immediately landing on his

-Are you also in Terminal? inquired with a new

Legosi nodded and had the great pleasure of seeing a
little smile appear on the pale animal's lips.

- I thought you were older, she confessed with a
adorably shy smile.

HAh, so she really believed Legosi was kind

-It would be super nice if you dropped me off, but you're
sure you don't mind? she went on.

The carnivore's heart warmed at that, and a tiny
start of smile pointed the tip of his nose on his lips
usually fossilized in a straight, blazed line.
No really, , it didn't bother him the least

- Nah, worry, reassured the big one.

Without further ado, he began to walk with his long
legs towards his Maserati parked in the parking lot
desperately empty at this hour. They opened their
door at the same time and got into the car
impeccable, whose only flaw was the constant smell
of cigarettes. Legosi started his car and turned his head
towards the smallest.

-Where do you live ? he asked her.
A few minutes from Stark's Pond ... she whispered
as if it were a dark secret. (Reference to south park UwO)

Legosi's brow furrowed for a moment. There
had no neighborhood next to the lake, did it? In any case, it
nodded and walked out of the parking lot, heading instead
towards the road.

-Do you come to the library often? inquired
suddenly the female, curious.

Yes, whenever you are there, just for the pleasure of you

- Nah ... I just had a job to do, he lied to
done naturally. And you?
Via the rear view mirror, he met intense eyes
of y/n and thought he was drowning there.

"Every Wednesday," she said. It's calm, I like
a lot.

Very quickly, far too quickly, from Legosi's point of view, it
passed Stark's Pond.

- Where is it next? he questioned while slowing down
same time, in case it is next.

-Hum ... you can leave me there, I'll walk to
home .., replied y/n, embarrassed.

For a moment, y / n's gaze fled and lingered
on the railways.

-Oh ... Do you live on the other side of the rails? tried all gray,
as gently as it was physically possible.
She still persisted in looking at anything except
his interlocutor and, visibly very embarrassed, replaced
absentmindedly a lock of her curly fur behind her ear
breakthrough. Slowly, she nodded gently, almost

Everything here was illusively perfect when
lived in the city. But the suburbs, which was
bounded by rail, it was just the place
waste of this city. When we lived there, people
looked down on us with contempt.

So like that, y/n was rather poor.
It's not like Legosi had anything to do with it, anyway.

The wolf cleared its throat, returning the girl's attention.

-It doesn't matter, he finally said,
planting his anise green look in that c/y of y/n ..

He hoped that his eyes expressed what he
thought; we didn't care that she was poor, and
that it didn't matter. Not with
him, anyway.

A smile found its way onto her shiny lips
and his eyes started to sparkle and, instinctively,
Legosi hit the road to get a little closer.

- It's there, said the teenager for a few minutes
The big wolf nodded and stopped his car,
looking out of the corner of his eye y / n undoing his belt.

-Thank you very much, it's super nice to have me
brought back, she said with a big sparkling smile.
While Legosi had lost his voice, y/n opened the
door and got out of the vehicle, replacing her satchel
salmon beige on his shoulder. She put a little hand
on the top of the door and leaned forward to
replant his eyes in those of the gray tower, opening the
mouth to release her pretty porcelain voice.

-I didn't even ask you, what's your name?
Me it's y/n!

-Legosi, just Legosi, he managed to say after having
rid of hypnosis.
- Pleased to meet you, Legosi. adorably the pale face of his sweetest voice.

And Legosi knew that he was, definitely and undoubtedly falling in love with this girl.
